Cayelin Castell
Interview Topic:
The Era of the Empress~Looking to the Future
This presentation will be available at 12:00 noon Central Time December 12, 2022
Cayelin's Free Gift to you...
Cayelin's free gifts features 3 videos on Venus. The first is a short overview of the Venus Cycle, The third is a deep dive into the current underworld time and the last video features a Personal Story of how Sekhmet (Queen, Empress, Goddess) has shown up in magical ways including telling me how she is Venus with the Sun. Also featured is a PDF outlining the Venus Cycle so anyone can find the Venus Cycle they were born into.
Click here to receive Caylin's free gift!
Cayelin Castell is the co-founder of Venus Alchemy, My Star Alchemy and the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. In addition to writing monthly Celestial Timings for 25 years, she enjoys sharing these mysteries through personal readings and teaching both Online and In Person Events, changing lives and perspectives from the visionary understanding that we inform the mysteries as much as they inform us! You can find out more about Cayelin and her offerings on her websites: